About Rees

Hello, my name is Tinne Broeckx.
I am the head and heart of Rees, your headhunter in real estate.
For 20 years, I held a commercial position in the business and banking world. My genuine interest in people as well as in real estate made me take the step in 2019 to set up this story. It fascinates me to listen to people, analyse and translate their stories into their wishes and needs, and find the right nuances and emphases. My ultimate goal? To merge the path of the successful entrepreneur with that of the talented candidate, so that together they can embark on an exciting new chapter in their professional lives.
Real estate top of mind
Real estate is my specialisation. I understand the trends, needs and dynamics of the real estate market... what the functions look like, and which organisations are laying down which nuances. As a result, I am perfectly aware of what the skill set of different real estate profiles looks like. From brokers to analysts, valuation experts, asset managers to acquisition managers...
Five assets
Croissant cotton candy bonbon jelly-o powder sweet. Cheesecake danish carrot cake wafer marzipan jujubes tiramisu. Jelly beans tootsie roll cake candy shortbread jujubes marshmallow. Icing toffee pie toffee wafer. Jelly tiramisu toffee chocolate bar ice cream candy canes jujubes cupcake candy. Macaroon sweet caramels pastry pudding gummi bears macaroon pastry bear claw. Chupa chups soufflé gummies marshmallow tiramisu toffee carrot cake jelly croissant. Donut pastry croissant pudding cotton candy pudding tootsie roll fruitcake.

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